Lucas Escot wrote a good blog post titled “Making My Life Easier with GADTs”, which contains a demonstration of GADTs that made his life easier. He posted the article to reddit.
I’m going to trust that - for his requirements and anticipated program evolution - the solution is a good one for him, and that it actually made his life easier. However, there’s one point in his post that I take issue with:
Dependent types and assimilated type-level features get a bad rep. They are often misrepresented as a futile toy for “galaxy-brain people”, providing no benefit to the regular programmer. I think this opinion stems from a severe misconception about the presumed complexity of dependent type systems.
I am often arguing against complexity in Haskell codebases. While Lucas’s prediction about “misconceptions” may be true for others, it is not true for me. I have worked extensively with Haskell’s most advanced features in large scale codebases. I’ve studied “Types and Programming Languages,” the Idris book, “Type Theory and Formal Proof”, and many other resources on advanced type systems. I don’t say this to indicate that I’m some kind of genius or authority, just that I’m not a rube who’s looking up on the Blub Paradox. My argument for simplicity comes from the hard experience of having to rip these advanced features out, and the pleasant discovery that simpler alternatives are usually nicer in every respect.
So how about GADTs? Do they make my life easier? Here, I’ll reproduce the comment I left on reddit:
They are often misrepresented as a futile toy for “galaxy-brain people”, providing no benefit to the regular programmer. I think this opinion stems from a severe misconception about the presumed complexity of dependent type systems.
This opinion - in my case at least - stems from having seen people code themselves into a corner with fancy type features where a simpler feature would have worked just as well.
In this case, the “simplest solution” is to have two entirely separate datatypes, as the blog post initially starts with. These datatypes, after all, represent different things - a typed environment and an untyped environment. Why mix the concerns? What pain or requirement is solved by having one more complicated datatype when two datatypes works pretty damn well?
I could indeed keep typed environments completely separate. Different datatypes, different information. But this would lead to a lot of code duplication. Given that the compilation logic will mostly be mostly identical for these two targets, I don’t want to be responsible for the burden of keeping both implementations in sync.
Code duplication can be a real concern. In this case, we have code that is not precisely duplicated, but simply similar - we want compilation logic to work for both untyped and typed logics, and only take typing information into account. When we want code to work over multiple possible types, we have two options: parametric polymorphism and ad-hoc polymorphism.
With parametric polymorphism, the solution looks like this:
data GlobalEnv a = GlobalEnv [(Name, GlobalDecl a)]
data GlobalDecl a
= DataDecl (DataBody a)
| FunDecl (FunBody a)
| TypeDecl a
data DataBody a = DataBody
{ indConstructors :: [ConstructorBody a]
data ConstructorBody a = ConstructorBody
{ ctorName :: Name
, ctorArgs :: Int
, ctorType :: a
data FunBody a = FunBody
{ funBody :: LamBox.Term
, funType :: a
This is actually very similar to the GADT approach, because we’re threading a type variable through the system. For untyped, we can write GlobalDecl ()
, and for typed, we can write GlobalDecl LamBox.Type
Functions which can work on either untyped or typed would have GlobalDecl a -> _
as their input, and functions which require a representation can specify it directly. This would look very similar to the GADT approach: in practice, replace GlobalDecl Typed
with GlobalDecl Type
and GlobalDecl Untyped
with GlobalDecl ()
and you’re good.
(or, heck, data Untyped = Untyped
and the change is even smaller).
This representation is much easier to work with. You can deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
. You can $(deriveJSON ''GlobalEnv)
. You can delete several language extensions. It’s also more flexible: you can use Maybe Type
to represent partially typed programs (or programs with type inference). You can use Either TypeError Type
to represent full ASTs with type errors. You can deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
to get access to fmap
(change the type with a function) and toList
(collect all the types in the AST) and traverse
(change each type effectfully, combining results).
When we choose GADTs here, we pay significant implementation complexity costs, and we give up flexibility. What is the benefit? Well, the entire benefit is that we’ve given up flexibility. With the parametric polymorphism approach, we can put anything in for that type variable a
. The GADT prevents us from writing TypeDecl ()
and it forbids you from having anything other than Some (type :: Type)
or None
in the fields.
This restriction is what I mean by ‘coding into a corner’. Let’s say you get a new requirement to support partially typed programs. If you want to stick with the GADT approach, then you need to change data Typing = Typed | Untyped | PartiallyTyped
and modify all the WhenTyped
machinery - Optional :: Maybe a -> WhenTyped PartiallTyped a
. Likewise, if you want to implement inference or type-checking, you need another constructor on Typing
and another onWhenTyped
- ... | TypeChecking
and Checking :: Either TypeError a -> WhenTyped TypeChecking a
But wait - now our TypeAliasDecl
has become overly strict!
data GlobalDecl :: Typing -> Type where
FunDecl :: FunBody t -> GlobalDecl t
DataDecl :: DataBody t -> GlobalDecl t
TypeAliasDecl :: TypeAliasBody -> GlobalDecl Typed
We actually want TypeAliasDecl
to work with any of PartiallyTyped
, Typed
, or TypeChecking
. Can we make this work? Yes, with a type class constraint:
class IsTypedIsh (t :: Typing)
instance IsTypedIsh Typed
instance IsTypedIsh PartiallyTyped
instance (Unsatisfiable msg) => IsTypedIsh Untyped
data GlobalDecl :: Typing -> Type where
FunDecl :: FunBody t -> GlobalDecl t
DataDecl :: DataBody t -> GlobalDecl t
TypeAliasDecl :: (IsTypedIsh t) => TypeAliasBody -> GlobalDecl t
But, uh oh, we also want to write functions that can operate in many of these states. We can extend IsTypedish
with a function witness witnessTypedish :: WhenTyped t Type -> Type
, but that also doesn’t quite work - the t
actually determines the output type.
class IsTypedIsh (t :: Typing) where
type TypedIshPayload t
isTypedIshWitness :: WhenTyped t Type -> TypedIshPayload t
instance IsTypedIsh Typed where
type TypedIshPayload Typed = Type
isTypedIshWitness (Some a) = a
instance IsTypedIsh PartiallyTyped where
type TypedIshPayload PartiallyTyped = Maybe Type
isTypedIshWitness (Optional a) = a
instance IsTypedIsh TypeChecking where
type TypedIshPayload TypeChecking = Either TypeError Type
isTypedIshWitness (Checking a) = a
instance (Unsatisfiable msg) => IsTypedIsh Untyped
Now, this does let us write code like:
inputHasTypeSorta :: (IsTypedIsh t) => GlobalDec t -> _
but actually working with this becomes a bit obnoxious. You see, without knowing t
, you can’t know the result of isTypedIshWitness
, so you end up needing to say things like (IsTypedish t, TypedIshPayload t ~ f Type, Foldable f) => ...
to cover the Maybe
and Either
case - and this only lets you fold the result. But now you’re working with the infelicities of type classes (inherently open) and sum types (inherently closed) and the way that GHC tries to unify these two things with type class dispatch.
Meanwhile, in parametric polymorphism land, we get almost all of the above for free. If we want to write code that covers multiple possible cases, then we can use much simpler type class programming. Consider how easy it is to write this function and type:
:: GlobalDecl ()
-> GlobalDecl (Maybe (Either TypeError Type))
beginTypeChecking = fmap (\() -> Nothing)
And now consider what you need to do to make the GADT program work out like this.