To help write robust, reliable, and easy-to-test software, I always recommend purifying your code of effects. There are a bunch of tricks and techniques to accomplish this sort of thing, and I’m going to share one of my favorites.
I have implemented a pure data pipeline that imports records from one database and puts them in another database with a slightly different schema.
Rather than implement all of the logic for saving each entity individually, I’ve created a function migrate
that is abstract.
The heart of this pipeline is a set of type classes:
{-# language FunctionalDependencies, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
class LoadData i where
load :: IO [i]
class ConvertData i o | i -> o where
convert :: i -> o
class SaveData o where
save :: [o] -> IO ()
:: forall i o
. (LoadData i, ConvertData i o, SaveData o)
=> IO ()
migrate = do
old <- load @i
save (map convert old)
All of the business logic is in the ConvertData
The LoadData
and SaveData
do typically boring things.
A new requirement came in: we are going to import a new record, and we must generate new UUIDs for it.
data Old = Old Int Text
data New = New UUID Int Text
These UUID
s must be randomly generated.
The logical place to generate the UUID
is in the ConvertData
part of the pipeline.
However, this would require adding IO
to the method signature, which would make testing and verifying this code more difficult.
Instead, we are going to create a new type:
newtype NeedsUUID = NeedsUUID
{ giveUUID :: UUID -> New
Now, our conversion function instances will look like this:
instance LoadData Old where
load = loadOldData
instance ConvertData Old NeedsUUID where
convert (Old i t) =
NeedsUUID (\uuid -> New uuid i t)
We have abstracted the UUID generation.
Our ConvertData
type class remains pure, and we’ve pushed the implementation detail of UUID generation out.
Now, we implement the SaveData
type class, which already had IO
instance SaveData NeedsUUID where
save needsUUIDs = do
values <-
forM needsUUIDs $ \needsUUID ->
uuid <- freshUUID
return (giveUUID needsUUID uuid)
saveNewValues values
We want to keep effects isolated to the edges of our programs as much as possible. This allows most of our code to remain pure and easy to test and examine. I’ve written about similar topics in my posts Type Safety Back and Forth and Invert Your Mocks!.