I decided it would be fun to learn the MEAN stack. I’m already developing some level of proficiency with Javascript, and the combination of performance and language/data consistency seems like a good platform with which to launch into developing a full blown webapp. Ruby on Rails will have to wait.

Developing a Vagrantbox

I started with the ubuntu/trusty64 box on the vagrantcloud, modified the Vagrantfile for a provisioning script, and forwarded ports 3000 and 80 to 3030 and 8080 on the host.


# Bootstrap for MEAN box
# using ubuntu/trusty64 base boxv

# Install nodejs
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs git gcc make build-essential -y

# Install MongoDB
sudo apt-get install mongodb -y

# Install Bower
sudo npm install -g bower

# Install grunt
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

# Install mean
sudo npm install -g meanio

This finishes without error, somewhat ominously. I cd /vagrant/ and mean init gzclweb, no errors. cd gzclweb && sudo npm install, this time with a bunch of warnings about wanting things of an earlier version than I have installed. Running grunt starts everything up (gives an error about missing some c++ bson extensions), starts the server, and accessing localhost:3030 gives the 404 error. It’s working!

This SO question caused me to add the sudo apt-get install gcc make build-essential to the above. This fixed the previous errors about bson C++. MEAN is now running fantastically on my vagrantbox.